Saturday, December 5, 2009

Wonderful day, cozy inside the house ;0)

Lots of yummyniess, today the menu was salad, butter lettuce with red onion, spirulina, hemp oil, salt, homemade sauerkraut. Funny to think of lettuce as a hearty substantial food, though that's what's it feels like when you've been on juice and watery foods for a long time. Also ate 2 papayas today and another big butter lettuce salad.

We received a big order from Mountain Rose, and had fun brewing up teas, luckily they tasted pretty good so we are full of all their herbaly medicine :0) (always good in the winter)

Heard we may get snow on Monday or Tuesday very exciting! (since we only get an average of 1 day a year of snow here)

For those who are into spirulina the attached salad picture will be yummy, I apologize in advance to those who are not on that trip, you will probably find it a little disturbing! (rest assured it can be a tasty meal)

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