Friday, December 4, 2009

Making things important that are actually not..

This is my 3rd day of breaking the feast ;0)
Today was extra special because i got to eat cucumber, oh yum!!! I was actually less than excited about cucumber juice, and then today it was Yummy!I made spiralized noodles with them and had a big bowl of pasta :0) (Noodles are my favorite food)

So as for the title, one of the things that became clear to me while in silence was a lot of the things I've let become "important" in my life that actually are not! Defined as things that are not relevant to ones growth and truth that you "let' steer and govern the flow of your time, your days, your months and ultimately your life!!!!
Wow, so if I don't do that thing for 1 whole month it really actually doesn't adversely affect ANYTHING!! in my life, and yet I've been "rushing" around to make sure it gets done even
over things that I now realize are the MOST important things in my life..........
So yeah, there's a little of my ahhha moments while on retreat..

Examples are: it's my day off do I really NEED to "Make Sure!!!" I get to Nogales today to run this errand, even though if I listen I really TRULY need to focus quietly inward, when I really pay attention I've already done the things that will keep me/us functioning... Here's a choice I can make.

It's the little choices over and over that are really the BIG choices in life...
Most of us have more than mastered DOING.. doing doing at what point is it time to master really being??
Being is when you can let yourself exist without doing anything... sounds easy...
When we master being then what really needs to be done becomes truly clear!

Love ya all!

“If you spent as much time on your spiritual practice as you do obsessing about food you’d be enlightened…"


  1. Loved this one Michela. Thanks for sharing.

    I have been working with this one for several months came up a lot during coaching and really forced me to re-evaluate my values system in order to order my life around what is really important for my character and spiritual development.

    I am still revisiting this one on a daily basis.

    How crucial is it for me to sweep the floor today vs spend an hour connecting with a dear and uplifting friend. hmmm?

  2. I know right Eden! big lesson we all keep learning surviving mode vs thriving mode...
