Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hi! Took a little break ;0)

Now that I'm adjusting to being off the feast I've started exploring the world again.
Drinking plenty of water, eating as low glycemic as possible and being grateful for food..
Enjoying the holidays, enjoying my husband ;0)

So here are some pics... (the funnest part) Oh, they came up backwards so #1 is the last picture..

#1 My homebrew Kombucha
#2 Me living it up by adding carrots to my salad ;0)
#3 Me and Tim on a day trip to Diamond Mountain AZ (scenery, pistachio trees, pecan factory, a holiday tumbleweed!!)
#4 me today after 1/2 a month back on food :0)
#5 our Chanakah Christmas Tree (notice the lovely phase 1 sugar free chocolate heart under the Tree that Tim surprised me with today) mmm ;0)
#6 Views from our house (as requested) (more to come)


I believe the teaching that being a spiritual person is very much about building character


"It requires less character to discover the faults of others, than to tolerate them."
J. Petit Senn
(and learn to embrace them :0) as quirks

You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.
Henry David Thoreau

1 comment:

  1. Mmm the drink looks yummy. Nice tan Mich! What month is it again?
    The tumble weed made me laugh! Great pics!!!

    Great talking to you last night xox
