Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Just a sniffle

Interesting the difference to have a cold or a sniffle when you eat this way... I feel under the weather though am lucky to be minus the runny nose and other "leaking" elements ;0)

Saw a fun movie with Tim last week, "A Christmas Carol" with Jim Carey, gotta love what movies have become, so nice of them to spend million making a movie just for all of us!

Otherwise, keeping up with eating it's been three weeks and feels like my juice feast was already so long ago, liquids seem to be more appropriate now to flush out my system though it's hard not to eat ;0) even though it better when you are sniffly..

Good time of year to vibe into the Christmas energy, yes it may have gotten commercial, though there is definitely a different feel on Christmas, like more people than not are actually happy and in Joy. Wonderful!

Also with new years coming it feel magical to be ringing in 2010.. feels to me like the way 2000 was such a big moment...
and of course it also bring us closer to 2012 which has a lot of mystery around it, what will really happen??
Well.. still there are 2 whole wonderful years to enjoy fully, 2012 will come soon enough, and surely will be a turning point with all the shift predictions, I'm betting it will be for the better!

If anyone needs a good charity to send $$ to in honor of the holidays and new years, Women for Women is doing great work and there's always the Tree Planting foundation, nothing like opening your wallet to open your heart for the new year! (well this calenders new year anyways)

Also today was the peace 21 initiative, check it out www.peaceeveryday.org

"A happy and content life are just a feeling away "

The first picture is a ode to green juice

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