Friday, December 4, 2009

Silent Retreat


To answer about the silent retreat

It was 30 days of silence=

No talking at all to anyone at anytime... if I needed anything now and then I wrote Tim a little request note, he was a star taking care of the tid bits!

Also no facebooking, e-mailing, and (of course) phone calls

A little extrem ???

I actually Really needed some serious alone time, this is my 6th year at the Tree of Life and for most of that time I've been running around and making a lot of other things a priority.. So I was actually really glad and grateful for this time.

Of course in way it was challeging at times, after all it was me myself and I ALL the time... Through I moved through it.
I did journal, meditate, and process all the stuff that comes up when you sit quietly alone for a long period of time :0)
(luckily no crazy songs looping in my head over and over) I've heard about that happening to people on retreat

It's also really nice to be talking again with all the amazing people in my life, you really appreciate the little chats that come up in a day and being able to talk to your friends after being in silence!
Relaxing sign ahhh....

"Surrender and be lived by love"

I'm adding picture because they always make bloggs more fun

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