Thursday, December 10, 2009

10 day and happy

I've been breaking the feast and am now eating regularly.
it's been 10 days, today I ate/drank:

lots of water ;0)
32 oz dark green juice
almond milk
zucchini noodle soup (blue green algae, astragalus, etc..)
coconut banana shake (weird to have something rich and sweet, though it was yummy!)
1 1/2 avocados

Sleepy day!

"The more you clear things up and out, removing the excess, the clearer your truth will shine through"

1 comment:

  1. I like that you are very aware of what you eat. Most people just "eat and run", not really paying much attention. I'm sure people would be amazed if they actually kept track for one week.
    Sounds like you've got a good relationship going on! :-)
    Can we see some landscape pics of AZ? xox
