Sunday, December 6, 2009

My Favorite Breaking the Feast Dish

So for those not into spirulina, don't look ;0)

1) spiralize 1 large. peeled cucumber

2) toss with: hemp oil, spirulina, salt, apple cider vinegar, small clove of garlic (or garlic/ onion powder if you prefer)

3) Yum! that's it, and I can eat this over and over !

Doing great, have already gained back almost 2 lbs in 6 days.
Growing some sprouts and planning my next meals

Note: If you haven't already read the book "Healthy at 100" by John Robbins it's a great book! easy to read, more interesting that factual, covers healthiest diet and lifestyle of the longest living, healthiest and happiest people all over the world!

"Life is short, enjoy it!" (safely, in moderation, without harming others, you know..)"
" No one ever lays on their death bed regreating not having spent more time working..."