Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Completion of 92 Day Feast!

Today is day 93 for me, that means I just juice feasted 92 days!
Also I just completed my 30 day silent retreat...

Lots and lots to share, I made a little video today of my "first food"
in 3 months... prunes :)Though I need to learn how to load it sooo

A brief:

Starting August 31st I began my juice feast, I chose to do it for health reasons
I did the first 40 days all green (phase1) then continued on with fruit/sweet veggies
added into my juices. Luckily I was able to keep the sweet juices to a minimum, as
I wasn't sure what it would be like after all that GREEEEEEN!!

I lost 8lbs in all, mostly the last 3 weeks.. Glad because I was trying to keep my weight on!
Really good cleansing and alkalinizing ;0)
Did an enema almost every day except if I was getting my weekly colonic
Did a parasite cleanse (along with the Health force 7 day cleanse)
Ready to focus on other areas now, feel I've super cleansed!

Will add more over the next few days!

"The less I need the richer I am"


  1. Fabulous to see you with a blog! Now we can catch up easily!
    92 days!?! Wow, you are a trooper, I think I would miss crunching away on food...Maybe a crunchy shake? xox
    Let's hear about the silent retreat...I guess not much to say ;)
    Do you communicate with anyone?
    Can't wait for the next post!

  2. Let me be one of the first to affirm you for doing this 92 day juice fast, and the 30 day silent retreat. What conviction, What courage!!! You inspire me Michela. Know that with your actions you have added beauty and clarity to the world. Namaste....
