Thursday, February 25, 2010

Weekend Of Fun!

Hi all, here's a recap of our adventure to go attend an event with the Dalai Lama

We headed out Thursday to Santa Monica, we slept at a Motel 6 nearby. On
Friday we passed by the Mahasukha Center in Culver City (curious if anything was
happening while we were in town. Then we ate at Rawvelution in Santa Monica
(still no camera... so no pics)

We had (raw) nachos, salad, and pizza mmmm
then for dessert
Reishi tea and chocolate desserts, nice to have a medicinal tea with dessert (balances all the sugar)
Checked out Golden Bridge Center (they offer sooo many programs)
it was a really nice place, and they had a shop with all sorts of things to buy (books, yoga props, clothes etc..)
(I picked up two candles to use for that evening)
Eerwon health food store (if you've been there I need not say more!!) if you've never been there
it's awsome, health tonic bar, any and all raw foods and raw treats imaginable! we got Dr. Cows cashew algae cheese
cheesy nori crackers, kombucha, a health tonic tea (we knew we'd be back Sunday so didn't need to go overboard)
We drove south to Enscondido to visit and stay with Susan and Philip for the rest of the trip.
They have a great ground floor apartment with a cute patio and they are near an awsome nature park were you can get
lost for hours. On my trip out there in December Susan and I (and their dog Shiva) food a great spot under some trees
near a spring and meditated for a nice long time (it was bliss)

On Saturday we all headed to self Realization Fellowship, (you know the book The Autobiography of a Yogi?)
In Encinitas, they have a realy beautiful garden, the energy is so strong after a quick pause to meditate for 5 minutes
I felt like I could sit there for hours!!
Nearby there was a raw restarnt called the Greenery, it was great, we order (for all 4 of us)
Spicy Grapefruit juice
Ceasar salad
spinach salad
House garden salad
Cheese sandwich

They were all realy good. So much respect for people running raw restaurants, it's such a blessing to be able
to have such great food and not have to do any work!

On Sunday we stopped at Eerwon again we all loaded up on treats and had a picknick
Fresh Sunflower sprouts (we bought from the Greenery the night before)
Dr Cow cheeses
Yummy health tonic teas
Sacred Heart Chocolates
And Tim and I picked up a bunch of herbs like Shilajit
we headed to Gibson Amphitheater, Universal City, in Hollywood to see the Dalai Lama, it was a trip to walk through
Universal City to see him...
It was an event for Vulnerable Children International, we even got a performance from Sheryl Crow before he came on stage!
He was great, we all loved his energy. We really had wanted to go just to be in his energy and feel what that's like,
he was sweet, gentle and kind, also quite funny. He sat on a chair crossed legged and spoke about compassion and
stregthening your inner peace (much like Gabriel) and then anweared some pre choosen questions, addressing the issue
of what's been going on in Tibet with the Chineese for the last 50 years. Also how to help children have more spiritual lives.
He suggested spending more time with them and helping to develop morals. We had an excellent time and are grateful to
have seen him as he is getting older now.

We headed back home that evening so we would be back in time to facilitate and teach the Conscious Eating program,
this is the biggest group we have had 31 people and it's been really nice!

We stopped 1/2 way home to get some sleep at a Motel and then arrive back home a few hours before class.


Friday, February 12, 2010


Almost Valentines Day!

What does that mean to you??

How can you make sure to give yourself and others the

BEST Valentines day EVER

Full of love, appreciation, peace, contentment

What will it take ?

What little thing can you do for yourself whether you have a special Valentine or not?

How can you experience more love on this loving day AND choose to keep feeling

loved, loving and lovable ??


My wish for you this Valentines Day is to feel my love for you!!! and stack as much extra love on top of that as you can stand xoxxoxooxxo

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